
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

TOURING/WORKING Rhyming live or 9-5? Punch the gas pedal or punch the clock?

Okay my last post I covered the topic of spending money to tour etc. etc. This post I'm going to get into details of ways to stay on the road, keep touring, without going totally broke.

-Double edged sword. Hard to tour when you work, hard to tour when you don't have funds.
-Day labor. This is a place where you can go in every morning and they will set you up with work that day. You can come and go as you please. Now the pay is low and work is tough. I just keep my head down and work hard while I picture playing a sold out show and a green room full of girls. They pay at the end of each day. You can work 6 days a week in prep for tour. Leave, come back and go right back to work with them.
-Serving tables. This Is a good option because the pay is really good and most restaurant are pretty cool about letting you work short period of time. so I'll Tell them that I only need six months of work because I'm going on a music door and usually they are pretty cool about it. sometimes They let you come back to work when you get back, if not there's always plenty of restaurants, good thing about it is you only work 4 to 5 hours a day so you have plenty of time to prep for tool
-Check Craigslist for temp work.
-Look into big event centers. They usually always need people and you can pick which events you want months in advance. Easily working around tour.

Crowd funding is a slippery slope for me. whereas I do believe it can be done right I am not really supportive of people that use Kickstarter just to get money to tour. That said this blog is not for telling you what to do or not to do, Its to provide info for you, so as to maneuver more affective lay. It can work very well and people can make a lot of money doing now if you're going to do it please offer some sort of actual reward

The big dog. The champ, however keep in mind you must raise your entire goal or it collects no money from anyone.

Easy to set up. Collect even if goal is not reached. Social networking integration.

Similar to the others however its allows you to collect worldwide.

Here is a website with a list of 50 crowd funding sites. So go google around til you find a suitor.

IM GOING TO SAVE "how to make money on tour" for my next post as I've recently put a lot of time into studying the topic and creating new dough opportunities.

Location Los Angeles

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