
Thursday, May 30, 2013

How do I get started?


I feel like it all kind of happens in steps. But the first one sometimes stumps a lot of musicians. Not knowing how far you are, i will assume. You are brand new. You are just now finding out that you have talent. Now what to do with it? here are 5 easy first steps that can get you going right away.RECORD AN EP. you just need a few tracks to get things going. If you  cannot find a friend with a studio, then just look around for a cheap one. They usually start at about 20 an hour and it should only take a few hours.GO TO OPEN MICS. maybe you or your band are not in a position to start booking a ton of shows. Open mics are a great way to get your music out there, and start to meet all the other people in the music industry in the area.GO ONLINE. as well as local, get right on top of getting yourself out there in every way. Start a website, blog, facebook page, twitter, and PRESS KIT. Put a lot of time and effort into all of them. You want them to be accurate, complete, and uniform. But do not forget to add your own flavor to all of it. and by uniform I mean whatever your name is stick to it. Dont have a bunch of different site names that seem to have no relation to each other or you.MAKE SOME POSTCARDS OR FLYERS.  You have no music to give away or sell yet. However you can still really make a presence, If you are at Every show, every open mic, every where your fan base goes and your presenting them with material. They are going to get the idea that you guys are making a name. Make sure to add all of your web content to the flyer/business cards and then just give them to everyone you can.MAKE SOME YOUTUBE VIDEOS, even without that studio quality music, you still have the option to make videos to post to youtube, You can do Live blogs about upcoming shows or open mics. Little comedy bits. Show off your musical talent. there are all sorts of things you can do to catch the eye. And people love watching videos. If you cant access a really nice cameral use your iphone.If you do all of these things, and really commit. The shows will start booking themselves. You will find yourself in the middle of your local music scene very quickly. It does not take long for everyone in your city to start saying. HEY that  guy is really doing stuff. I know you see other people touring selling merch booking big shows etc. and  you want to jump in as fast as you can. But keep in mind, if you go too fast you will get burnt out. There will always be a fanbase waiting for you to come to them.BEFORE YOU KNOW IT YOULL BE  OUT OF THAT SMALL TOWN.

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